Just Breathe!
Recently, I’ve caught myself doing something I hadn’t really noticed before, holding my breath without realizing it! Other times I find myself letting out a long, vocal sigh when I step away from something and need a release. I know these are stress responses. They are our body’s way of coping when things feel overwhelming.
In a world spinning with so much change, tariff turbulence, and relentless uncertainty, it’s easy to get caught in the worry. Stress seems to seep into all parts of life, leaving us a bit exhausted. But the key to navigating all this chaos is right in front of us – literally! It’s as clear as the nose on our face.
Here are 3 breathing techniques from the book, Breath by James Nestor. They can change your day, maybe change your life.
2025 Is a Game of Tetris!
Hello 2025 - I know what game you’re playing!
I’ve been working with teams as they plan and deliver their big kickoff meetings; the Executive Offsite, RKO, Annual Strategy Retreat, or Leadership Summit. These gatherings set the tone, align goals, and map out the path to big wins in the year ahead. And I keep thinking... We’re all playing a high-stakes game of Tetris.
Even when we think we’ve got things lined up neatly, another piece drops out of nowhere, forcing us to shift, adjust, and make the best move possible. These are uncertain times, we don’t know what shape is coming next. So this article is your cheat-code so you can win!
Raise the Bar Not the Stress Level
As a leader, you know the power of setting ambitious goals. Whether they’re KPIs, OKRs, or some other metric, these targets are designed to drive your team toward growth, innovation, and success. But as we kick off another year of striving for greatness, here’s a question worth considering: Are Your Necessary Targets Causing Unnecessary Stress?
Your Goals Should Lift You, Not Weigh You Down
As we step into a fresh new year, it’s easy to get swept up in the momentum of ambition. For many, the new year starts not with reflection, but with a daunting to-do list of new goals handed down from work, life, or even self-imposed expectations. But here’s a question worth asking: are your necessary goals creating unnecessary stress?
5 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health During Change
We all face unpredictable moments in life. The moments that make us think, “Now what?”
What Are You Worried About?
We are in a season of change, in an era of unprecedented change – so of course we all worry sometimes!
Just turn on the news or scroll through your news updates on your phone. Discussions about politics, economics, weather patterns, and even the changing seasons become a constant stream of speculation, fueling our worries.
Change is a Constant: Navigate it like a Pro
Change is the one thing we can count on in our careers. Even when we hit a target or reach a goal, change inevitably follows—because we either set a new goal, or we’re handed a fresh challenge or an updated number to reach
Change Can Be Scary: A Halloween Tale of Uncertainty
Who can resist the allure of Halloween—the decorations, kids in costumes, and, of course, the candy (seriously, hand over your mini Twix bars!). For me, in my 50’s, avoiding sugar… the candy might just be the scariest part of Halloween.
Who's Riding Shotgun?
When you're on a journey, it’s not just about getting there; it’s about who’s in the passenger seat when you’re accidentally going the wrong way!
Dealing With Life's Detours
Like any journey, there are moments when the road is smooth and straight, and others when it feels like you’re navigating a complicated intersection during rush hour, surrounded by impatient drivers and endless honking. Life has ups, downs, and enough potholes to make you wish you’d sprung for that off-road vehicle. But a journey also has delightful surprises and serendipitous discoveries that only happen because of the unplanned route you end up on—sometimes accidentally, sometimes because your GPS recalculates your route.
Be a Good Teammate
How would they describe you? What words are they using as they write about you in the story of their lives? With all the Olympic hype underway this summer, I’ve been saying, “what type of teammate are you?”.
Corporate Olympians
Often, we question our training and our path forward when things get tough or don’t go as planned. We can become fixated on the how-tos and what-ifs, and that is when we allow doubt to creep in.
Bend Without Breaking
About 20 minutes from my house is a living legend that’s made history. It was not an overnight success. It’s been adapting and growing for hundreds of years to gain respect and earn its place in the history books.
The Lesson in Legos
I promise I’ll get to the Lego part in a moment. First, I’ve been thinking about success lately and what it means to me. I mean, I've really gone deep and thought about my life. Success has changed so much through the years.
Choose YOUR Destination
He who chases 2 rabbits catches none. I love that quote and refer to it often. I need to, because I do love an exciting new challenge or adventure and I have an unhealthy need to prove that ‘I can do that’.
You Are Here.
As I sit down, before my butt can even hit the seat, he says, ‘Hi Nina, per your contract, we are releasing you without cause, effectively immediately”. My mind thinks, ‘It sounds like he’s been practicing that sentence’ before it registers what he actually said. Then, my mind starts racing.
Stop Wishing THIS Was Easy
Who remembers those old metal merry-go-rounds? I lived in Florida in elementary school, and that metal surface would burn my butt through my shorts and fry the back of my legs.
Usually, we jumped on while it was moving slowly, and then it got faster and faster, kids would sling off into the dirt, and one man was left standing! It was the daily playground battle to stay on and go faster?
Your Thoughts Become Your Reality
"You spend most of your time in your head... make it a nice place to be"
I like that quote. It's a reminder to be mindful of our thoughts because they become our reality. I think we need that reminder this time of year.
This time of year can be difficult, and our thoughts can make it worse.
Be ready to ADAPT in 2024
I know ‘hate’ is a strong word, but haven’t we pivoted enough? When we are sitting in a meeting and that word comes up, many of us have visceral reactions. Our brains light up, heart rates increase, stomachs turn and our resolve sort of deflates. Not again, are you f*ckn kidding me.
What are you Thinking?
Most of us want to set ambitious targets. We are thinking about personal and financial aspirations. We have a burning desire to make an impact on our lives and the lives of those we love, maybe even impact the planet. And guess what? That's precisely how success is created – by setting audacious goals and relentlessly pursuing them.