Using ‘THIS’ to represent adversity of all sizes, Nina gives audiences new tools - and some new language - to help them confidently handle anything life throws at them.


THIS, This, this… how big is THIS challenge you are facing?

A former member of the USA Gymnastics team, Emmy-winning television news anchor, and executive at a high-growth tech company during its IPO, Nina's journey is a tapestry of triumphs and tribulations woven together with resilience and grace.

Each person’s challenges are unique to them. Nina gets you thinking about THIS thing you are facing and empowers you to handle ‘THIS’ no matter how big… and to efficiently and effectively handle the small stuff.

Using THIS, to represent adversity of all sizes. Nina gives audiences new language and new tools to handle any challenge.


Nina’s ‘THIS’ concept has created a movement - Readers and Audiences are speaking in THIS’s

First - in 2018, Nina wrote the book, THIS is Not The End, Strategies to Get You Through the Worst Chapters of Your Life.

In 2019 she launched the keynotes ‘Flip THIS and ‘You’ve got THIS’ to corporate audiences across the US.

In 2020 she finished her second book - But I Want Both, A Working Mom’s Guide to Creating a Life She Loves. (so many THIS’s)

In 2021 she launched the Podcast - ‘THIS Seriously Sucks, The Right Podcast When Life Goes Seriously Wrong’.

In 2022 - Nina scaled back her speaking and her work for health reasons. Both her health and her Mom’s (gotta be there for family!)

In 2023 - Nina’s updated Keynote ‘You Got THIS Navigating Change, ignited audiences to take on any challenge.

In 2024 - her THIS Framework to strengthen resilience morphed into a more simplified, elegant framework for ALL, and it exploded onto the scene at corporate meetings and conferences.